International Market Study
The Challenge
Destination Analysts conducted a study of international travelers in 8 top and emerging global tourism markets for the state of Colorado. The methodology employed was an online survey of over 6,400 travelers who go abroad for leisure purposes and were interested in the United States as a destination. The survey was translated in the native language of each country and rigorously tested prior to fielding. A comprehensive report, segmentation analysis, and presentation at the Governor’s Conference on Tourism was delivered.
Destination Analysts’ Designed Solution
The survey was designed to examine openness to seasons in visiting Colorado, the strongest motivators of intention to visit, imagery that positively represent these motivators, understanding and perceptions of Colorado, most desirable elements of Colorado destination brand and Colorado experiences, likelihood to visit Colorado, how Colorado compares to competing destinations and impediments to visiting Colorado. The data collected from this study provided the Colorado Office of Tourism profiles of their international visitors overall, as well as profiles of experienced based segments (such as the Winter Sports and National Parks visitors). In addition, the data was analyzed to identify key aspirational audiences and markets.
The DMO’s Success
The findings of this research was used to drive an entire new international marketing strategy for the state. The helped the Colorado Office of Tourism determine market priority, understand the most efficient channels to reach the most likely convertible audiences, and align its messaging for maximum effectiveness. It also provided important benchmarks of their destination brand performance, which they will use to measure against in future studies.