
Destination Analysts is facilitating a cooperative Net Promoter and User Study specific to official destination websites.  This will provide participating DMOs/State Tourism Offices:

  • Meaningful Net Promoter Score—Relevant and Comparable to other Official Destination Websites
  • Powerful User Insights from the Integration of User Feedback and Google Analytics

The study will use web and mobile optimized survey software to serve site users 3 questions after they have used the site for a minimum of 60 seconds.

Site users will be incentivized to answer the questions by the opportunity to enter a sweepstakes for one of 10 $400 gift cards.

The participating DMO simply needs to place a custom JavaScript on the site and provide Destination Analysts access to their Google Analytics for reporting.


Dynamic/monthly summary report containing:

  1. Graphical representations of findings/results
  2. Calculation of NPS score (Promoter, Passive, Detractor)
  3. Comparison of Net Promoter score to other participating DMOs
  4. Google Analytics analysis including:
    • Top 5 pages viewed by Website Visitor Type
    • Top 5 pages viewed NPS Calculation
    • Number of Pages Viewed, Average Session Duration and Site Acquisition Source by Website Visitor Type
    • Number of Pages Viewed, Average Session Duration and Site Acquisition Source by NPS Calculation
  5. Verbatim summary of suggestions of Promoters (NPS scores of 9-10)
  6. Verbatim summary of suggestions of Passive (NPS scores of 7-8)
  7. Verbatim summary of suggestions from Detractors (NPS scores of 0-6)

Those Bi-annual in-depth summary with analysis & recommendations. For 6 month or longer subscriptions,


  • $950 per month (minimum 3 month commitment)
  • Or $5,130 for 6 months (10% discount)
  • Or $9,690 for 12 months (15% discount)

Please complete this online form and a Destination Analysts staff member will follow up with you.

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