The State of the American Traveler in April 2022—Changed but Highly Motivated
Despite concerns about inflation and gas prices potentially impacting trip volume, Americans’ strong excitement for travel sustains. While today’s traveler is still trending towards shorter, closer to home and more carefully planned trips than before the pandemic, they are more motivated to travel than ever.
IMPORTANT: These findings are brought to you from our independent research, which is not sponsored, conducted or influenced by any advertising or marketing agency. The key findings presented below represent data from 4,000 American travelers collected March 15-23, 2022.
The Outlook for Travel
COVID continues to retreat, while Americans’ strong excitement for travel sustains.
International Travel and the Impact of War in Ukraine
Even with the heartbreaking war in Ukraine, Americans’ current propensity to seek new travel experiences has kept up interest in international travel, while aspiration for Europe has not been disrupted.
Financial Sentiment
Inflation and gas prices are an issue for trip volume, but Americans still plan to spend on travel.
The Post-Pandemic Traveler
While no one is simply returning to who they were in February 2020, now that many feel the global pandemic receding, it is a good time to ask: who are you as a traveler now? We asked Americans several questions about how they plan to travel in the future and their current travel preferences, and how this compares to their pre-pandemic selves.
- Americans will be seeking out new experiences for travel. 55.7% prefer places they have not been to before—up over 8 points since February.
- Compared to pre-pandemic:
- 23.2% take trips shorter in length, 17.0% take trips longer in length
- 32.0% take trips closer to home, 13.7% take trips further from home
- 56.5% more carefully plan trip details, 3.1% are less careful in planning
- 46.9% are more motivated to travel, 17.1% are less motivated
- 24.2% are more interested in visiting cities, 20.0% are less interested
- 42.2% are more interested in outdoor destinations, 6.3% are less interested
- 64.2% more sympathetic to frontline travel/hospitality staff